" ez goaz lanera... "

2009/02/06 - 2009/03/04

Beste asko bezala, duela urte gutxi hasi zen arkatzez eta bolalumaz egindako bere marrazkiak kaleko hormetara eramaten. Teknika berriak probatzeko jakin-mina eta desadostasuna dira bere oraingo lanaren oinarriak. Duela urtebete arte, haren obra kalean bakarrik zegoen ikusgai, baina ordutik mihiseak erabiltzeko nahia piztu zitzaion. Horren ondorioz, gehiago marrazten hasi zen, bere estiloa etengabe garatuz, eta hori gaur egun haren pertsonaietan islatzen da. Aldi berean, haren lana kalean ikus daiteke oraindik, zeren barnealdea eta kanpoaldea osagarri baitira.
Artefatti taldeko kide da, Torinoko egonaldian sorturiko taldekoa. Bereziki Italiar lurraldeko erakusketetan pintatu izan dutenean elkartu dira. “Imanolone” artistarekin batera ere ordu luzez aritzen da.

Like many others, he started a few years ago to move his drawings made by pencil and pen to the walls of the street. The curiosity of trying new techniques and the non conformity are his foundations for his current work. Up until a year ago, his work could only be seen in the street, since then he felt into the desire of using canvas. As a consequence of this, he started to draw more, making a constant evolution in his style that is reflected nowadays in his characters. At the same time his work can still be seen in the street, because indoors and outdoors remain complementary.He is part of the Artefatti group, a group created during his stay in Torino. They met often specially when they paint during exhibitions in Italian territory. He shares also long hours with artist "Imanolone".
GKo Gallery
Kale Nagusia 4 · Tolosa · 20400 · GIPUZKOA wwww.gko-gallery.com